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Unlock Your Fertility

Unlock Your Fertility
Unlock Your Fertility

Falling pregnant is as easy as having unprotected sex right? That's what so many women believe, but it's a myth. Getting pregnant and bringing home that precious bundle of joy can be harder than you ever dreamed of!

Hello and welcome! I’m so honoured you’ve found your way here. This is where you start to Unlock Your Fertility. Since 2016 I’ve had the pleasure of helping many women – just like you – realise their dream of motherhood. We have worked 1:1 either face-to-face or online. We have worked in groups.

And you know what? Every couple I've worked has seen the power of how working with a mind-body connection can unlock their fertility.

Since the global pandemic seeking support has shifted. I moved my work online and a whole new way of working opened up for me and for my clients.

So, a little bit about me. In 2015 I trained in the MindBody Program for Fertility with Dr Alice Domar from the Domar Centre at Boston IVF. To this day I am still one of the few practitioners in Australia personally trained in the MindBody Program for Fertility and one of the few using the mind-body connection for fertility. Why do I do it? The answer is simple: because it works!

Prior to this training I spent 10 years working face-to-face with clients in my counselling practice. I worked 1:1 with them through all sorts of different mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, grief and loss and post-traumatic stress (to name just a few). Initially I thought the MindBody Program for Fertility would simply be another string to my bow. Little did I realise this program would change my life and the focus of my work ...

One day I was chatting with a friend about this change in my work. She listened with great interest and then told me that her niece, we’ll call her Sam – who at the time was 41 years old – had been trying to conceive for several years. She told me of the turmoil of unsuccessful round after round with IVF. She described Sam as being “at the end of her rope having gone through the wringer” that was infertility.

Exhausted and fed-up with the medical system, Sam was desperate to try something different. Something that she would have more control over, something she could fully participate in, something that would hopefully give her an edge that had evaded her so far.

We met and instantly we both knew this was the change she needed. I told her all about how the program was a way to unlock fertility. It was a mix of mindfulness, - which she was curious about, - and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). I explained the research and data supporting the program - women who participated in the Mind Body Program for Fertility had a 52-55% greater chance of taking home a baby from hospital. In comparison, only 20% in the control group were successful in taking home a baby. This incredible success rate was the same for both natural and IVF pregnancies.

Wow! She was sold. She’d heard all she needed to hear. The catch? Sam lived in another state. Remembering this was pre-Covid and most of us hadn’t heard of – let alone lived - our working lives online. Working with a therapist online was almost unheard of. But, what did either of us have to lose in trying it right?

So, I got to work converting the 10 week face-to-face group program to an 8 week 1:1 virtual program. All original elements of the program were covered with an added bonus. One hour each and every week with me – a registered psychologist – all to herself.

Together we both gained so much from the program! We had flexibility with our booking times and time to connect personally. We laughed a lot - something she hadn’t done in a very long time - and we found a way through the tough times – together. Sam and her partner no longer felt isolated facing specialist appointments. Each and every appointment they knew they had me in their corner, and best of all, through our work together she had calmed her central nervous system and was on the way to healing her body. Sam’s cycle was successful and she and her partner welcomed beautiful baby Emaline into their family.

Fast forward five years - from the year that changed us forever - I was excited to receive a very special message ... It was from Sam to tell me that she was going once again to try for a sibling for her little munchkin Emaline – ‘our’ little munchkin – who we worked so hard for.

She was excited to let me know she was using all the strategies I had taught her. She was putting all the mindfulness and cognitive strategies in place and each time she had a doctor’s appointment she felt she had me with her – there in her mind and she felt it in her body – supporting her. She knew that once again ‘we’ could create a little miracle … and we did!

Sam is now mum to two beautiful little girls. It hasn’t been an easy road to motherhood, but it has been a rewarding one.

By unlocking her fertility through mindful moments Sam now knows more about herself, her mind and her body. She has a better understanding of her relationships with her partner, her family and friends, and she feels much calmer becoming a mother the second time around. Such an amazing place to be when motherhood once just seemed to be a dream for her!

I love my work! Supporting women like you to unlock your fertility brings me SO much joy. I’m so excited to celebrate and share many more success stories like Sam's.

If this story sounds like you – or resonates with you in any way – you may be on your third (or more) round of different ARTs (Artificial Reproductive Treatments) or you may be just starting your fertility journey and you want to give yourself the best chance.

If you're ready to Unlock Your Fertility Through Mindful Moments just hit this link to find a time and let’s chat.


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